Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chronic stress and biologic responses

In the blog I posted yesterday reference was made to the first two stages of the general adaptation syndrome. The first being: Alarm (response of the body to stress--epinephrine release) and the second Resistance (adaptive responses to the stressor--appraisal and coping).

In instances where the stress is prolonged the body reaches the third stage of Exhaustion. Exhaustion refers to the inability of the body to maintain the adaptive responses needed to maintain functional equilibrium. Any condition of change or challenge that places tension/strain is considered stress, and when this interferes with normal functioning, illness and disease can result.

Recently I was able to interview a patient who had an autoimmune disease. That patient, when exposed to prolonged stress would exhibit signs of being in the exhaustion stage and would suffer inflammatory responses/flare ups as a result. The patient was able to effectively maintain optimal health when careful consideration was given to diet, sleep, and compliance to medications.

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