Here it first blog
Since I'm new to blogging my blog is just in the construction phase :) Its been a very interesting year and I believe it will be a good semester. Interesting in the sense that I've learned so much; about medicine, MEDICATIONS (my favorite class....jk...since I used to be pretty much holostic in my approach to medicine for myself...that was until I really needed hypertensive medication (go figure).
To begin this assignment, I'll first talk about my most recent introceptive experience. Since childhood (earliest memory : Grade One), I have had test anxiety. Of course I didn't understand the reasons I felt anxious during tests, all I knew then was that from Day 1 of Grade 1, I felt I didn't measure up....specifically, I recall the moment of the first "panic" feeling. The placement of desks all faced one another in a group---several groups of desks were within the class as it was a 1st/2nd grade combined class). Mrs. Sullivan was the teacher (a matronly woman with bright read hair, not much taller than age 6). I sat right next to a brilliant girl named Robin King. Robin was from a very wealthy family in town, lived in the largest home in town. Ours was large too....however, it wasn't because mom and dad were wealthy and owned the most exclusive woman's clothing store on Main Street (which Robin's parents did...), it was because we had five children, one of which needed lifts, a wheelchair, and many other large pieces of equipment. Robin was an only child and her parents spent quite a lot of time reading and schooling her before Kindergarten. Back then, 1964...(wow), Pre-school was not common. The first experiences with social interaction-aside from family-was in Kindergarten, and that is exactly what it was-a social experience. the three R's (reading, writing, arithmatic), were not taught. We painted, listened to stories read by the teacher, looked at picture books, sat in a big circle on the floor, painted on the easel (my favorite), played games, and sang. If you were really "good" you were chosen to go to the teacher's lounge with one other classmate, load the crate with milk cartons for the class, and bring them back into the room and give them out....seemed like I did this quite often. Needless to say when my Mrs. Sullivan (Grade 1, Day 1, first time sitting at the Great Big desk with the Big chair) asked the class to write a sentence.......I FROZE right in the chair. I knew how to print my name, but a sentence...Oh my....I managed to print my name (VERY BIG). I glanced over at Robin's paper and it was cursive and there were so many words.......the next feelings; I'll never forget. Hot, afraid, red in the face. Wish I knew then what I know now (embarrassment). One problem...I still have the same feelings at age 50, even though I know the material...often I still freeze or choose the wrong question, only to later look at it, and think....OMGosh, how stupid was that. I soon learned learned that Robin was the only person who could write the darn sentence and I was among the few who could write their names. Guess this gives you an idea what I think about pre-testing to "see where the students are at". Nevertheless, Robin and I became very good friends. Often we played together outside of school. I really liked her playing at her house because it was so quiet and she had every toy and gadget you could imagine....especially liked her electronic car stering wheel with gears that sat on the table and made speeding sounds when you put your foot on the attached gas petal that was on the floor...that's another introception blog altogether. Better stop here or I'll never get my reading done for my tests (can't wait) tomorrow......unitl next time......